502-442-7914 howdy@nowsourcing.com

Writing Effective Ad Copy

Ad copy is a unique aspect of the search campaign because it is the only part that the visitor can interact with. Marketing Sherpa estimates say that a searcher will spend only 0.7 seconds on average reviewing an ad, yet in that small amount of time you must: Grab the...

Reddit Layout Changes

When signing into Reddit this morning and viewing a submission’s commentary, you may notice a slight change to their familiar sidebar. A percentage is now given detailing the proportion of voters who enjoyed the post, along with a few other changes.

Yahoo! Search Marketing Best Practices

You can find hundreds or even thousands of best practices guides for AdWords, but there seem to be very few that are written for Yahoo.  I assume that you will know some of the Google ones, as this post will essentially just show the differences between Yahoo best...