502-442-7914 howdy@nowsourcing.com

Who this is for:

Entrepreneurs, SMB Owners, Marketers, Business Development Professionals, and Individuals at Large Corporations.

What this is not:

A sales course on prospecting, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, or LinkedIn Advertising

What this is:

A way to get significantly more visibility and leads through inbound marketing.

Ok, So What’s this About?

LinkedIn has changed. No longer is it a place to log on once a year and update your resume. Connections are being made and conversations are happening – whether you’re there or not!

If you’re interested in leveraging the power of the New LinkedIn, this course will teach you how to maximize your LinkedIn profile and presence.

My Story

After extensive testing and experience over the last 3 years (read more), LinkedIn is easily our single largest lead source – all inbound.  We are winning deals from Fortune 500 businesses and from organizations around the world.  And it’s time to show you what I’ve found!

I used to get maybe a few hundred views on my content.  Now my best posts have reached close to 1 million people.

My profile views used to be a few hundred at best.  Now I’m getting 10,000 views and growing!

Included in the course:

  • Four classes, held weekly
  • Access to private LinkedIn Facebook group
  • Up to one hour of a phone consultation about how to lead using emotional intelligence
  • Priority enrollment in future courses
  • Additional and future consulting available a la carte for an additional fee.

Class #1 – Benchmarking

What does it mean to “go viral” on LinkedIn? How do you measure success or failure? Most people post a link and are shocked if they get a like or two. Never do they consider the conversations they are missing out on or how that can translate into a deeper professional relationship.


  • Establish key benchmarks: stats on current performing content, profile views, tracking, and goal setup
  • Tool setup: CRM, Zapier, Slack, Calendly, Website, LinkedIn Premium

Homework: Finish setting up benchmarking tools discussed in class.

Class #2 – Getting Your House In Order

Most people aren’t utilizing every aspect of their LinkedIn profile, instead treating it like an online resume. There’s so much you can do to tell the story of who you are! LinkedIn is about building deeper professional connections, not showing off how many corporate buzzwords you know.

Topics Covered:

  • Overhaul / consulting on background picture
  • User profile image – processing through likability / competence / expertise engine
  • Title updates
  • Summary rewrite and call to action
  • Profile completion and optimization

Homework: Finish filling out personal information in relevant sections as discussed in class.

Class #3 – Creating Content – Writing For Audience And Leads

What style is for you? Together we will look at the anatomy of different kinds of posts – short form, video, and long form – as well as how to use emojis and tagging the right way. We will talk about part 1 of engagement – this is where all those benchmarking tools will come in handy.

Topics Covered:

  • Status Update Posts
  • Topics to avoid
  • Formula for engagement
  • Tips on how to write several times weekly status updates
  • Tips on creating document share content
  • Tips on how to create a native LinkedIn video
  • Tips on how to create a LinkedIn Publisher Platform Post (long form content)
  • (We’ll edit at least 1 status update for you to publish)

Homework: You guessed it – short form, video, and long form posts on LinkedIn.

Class #4 – Tying It All Together

Each part of this course is equally important, and now we’re going to start to see how everything ties together. This is where we talk about part 2 of engagement. Then we will learn how to take it to the next level as well as how to deal with common problems online.

Topics Covered:

  • Engagement pods
  • Tagging others
  • Dealing with trolls
  • Cross pollination into your other social channels

Homework: launch your new LinkedIn elite warrior status to the world!

Currently accepting a limited number of clients

“Brian is a LinkedIn genius! In the 1st month implementing what he showed me my profile saw a 3X increase in visitors and my 1st LinkedIn video was seen more than the last 6 months of my LinkedIn posts combined.”
Daniel Wallock

“These days, everyone claims to be some kind of social media or internet marketing guru. That’s why I was skeptical about how impactful the information Brian shares would actually be… Little did I know that the VERY FIRST POST I MADE using his techniques saw over EIGHT TIMES the traffic, and TWELVE TIMES the engagement that my preceding post had gotten! Do yourself a favor, and sign up for this course… TODAY!”
Doc Compton

The Consumer Credit Expert

Sign Up now!

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