502-442-7914 howdy@nowsourcing.com

Facebook: All Your Data are Belong to Us

Image via CrunchBase If you’re using social media, or basically anything on the Internet these days, you are really kidding yourself if you think you have true privacy.  That said, Facebook’s latest change to their terms of service states that they own all...

Social Media Seminar: Twitter and LinkedIn

Image via CrunchBase Brian Wallace, President of NowSourcing, will be providing the next in a series of social media seminars, this one focused on how to use Twitter and LinkedIn for your business. Join Brian and other participants from 11:00AM-1:30PM and discover how...

Digg is Off its Rocker

Image via Wikipedia Time for a fun Friday post. Digg has really been coming out with some strange stuff recently. Last week, you probably saw the David at the Dentist video, but you might not have seen that the Digg community burst into song off of Bukowsky’s,...