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Twitter, while excellent, short circuits the full potential of the thoughts that we seed into it. I’m putting a clock to the amount of time that it takes to write this blog post from start to finish, and will have it take no longer than 2 minutes.
Why? Because I’d like to get some of my brain back away from Twitter 🙂
Kidding aside – it’s important to elaborate on one’s thoughts. For me personally, I seek to strive in full abundance theory mode. People from all around seek advice from myself and my company, and we’re here to deliver. Sure, I could have lead in by putting out a short Twitter post. But this goes slightly beyond that 140 characters. File this away and before you do, let it serve as a reminder and a word of caution. Your thoughts should remain yours. Tweet away, but don’t forget that important lesson.
Twitter Comment
RT @nowsourcing: new @tweetmeme on @nowsourcing: My 2 Minute Blog Post Beat Up Your Tweet [link to post]
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A complete coherent blog post is always more valuable then any tweet. You just have more time to further extrapolate on your idea.
Stuart Fosters last blog post..Barriers to Entry
Twitter Comment
DarthGuru: RT new @tweetmeme on @nowsourcing: My 2 Minute Blog Post Beat Up Your Tweet [link to post] – Darth… https://bit.ly/vtzjj
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Twitter Comment
My 2 Minute Blog Post Beat Up Your Tweet [link to post]
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You make an excellent point here Brian. If Twitter continues to grow at anywhere near its current rate, the old adage that “brevity is the soul of wit” is nearing the end of its shelf-life.
Fat Lesters last blog post..Domain Name Showcase: Electronic Trading Systems (.com)