How did I get from pre-law to the Internet to creating viral content? I was recently a guest on the Ed Andrew Podcast, where I explained the whole thing. To hear the podcast click here. Here’s a preview:
“Brian Wallace studied pre-law and considered being an internet lawyer but became a technologist instead. Now founder and CEO & founder of Nowsourcing the largest infographics business in the US and a board member for Google’s SME program. We discuss everything about his journey as an entrepreneur, creative thinking, the tips he gives would be entrepreneurs, attending SXSW in Austin Texas which is like the World Fair for music, film and interactive, the rise of linkedin as a business social network, predicting virality of social media posts based on brand presence and technology in general.”
All of the part of their conversation was resourceful and helpful. But some parts were really thoughtful as like interviewing tips as well as About Linkedin -” it is not cool like Facebook, it is like the “weird uncle” the statement amused me a lot, because it meets with my thought. Thank you all for sharing this valuable advises, keep running….