jon jackson
Creative Director
Pushing them pixels to 11 since the late 90’s,
doing it well since 2004.
Computer virginity lost to:
Commodore 64.
Here’s some places i do some things.
Here’s a few things you should know about me:
- Beard 95%
- Illustrator 70%
- Photoshop 61%
- Netflix 100%
- Ties 99%
- Coffee snob 4%

What kind of music to i work to?
Things i enjoy.
- Design work
- Play with my kids
- Felling trees
- Thrift shopping
- Collecting / Wearing ties
- Lava brand soap
- Safety razors
- The smell of fresh cut wood
Things i want to enjoy:
But don’t for lack of time / desire to pursue
- Troubleshooting electronic circuitry
- Arduino
- Fine woodworking
- Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic
- Restoring hand tools
- Organizing things