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The People And Tech Behind Data Science

The People And Tech Behind Data Science

The People And Tech Behind Data Science Data science is one of the hottest jobs around right now, but where did it come from and how do you become a data scientist? Someone has to analyze those piles of data we generate every day. As Featured In: Inside Big Data...
Smartphone Myths

Smartphone Myths

Smartphone Myths Smartphones haven’t been around long, but already they are subject to some pretty wild urban legends. No, your smartphone can’t cook an egg. As Featured In: Business2Community Hackernoon Know Techie Demetra.dk UBreakIFix back to...
Nanotech And The Future Of Medicine

Nanotech And The Future Of Medicine

Nanotech And The Future Of Medicine Nanotechnology is changing the face of medicine. What will the future of medical treatment look like after nanotechnology takes over? As Featured In: Visual Capitalist Hackernoon Robotics Business Review The Robot Report Best Health...