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Twitter Puts the “Full” in Useful: Overheard on Twitter #1


Well Maki (@doshdosh) – congratulations, you’ve made it big! 😉

In my last contribution for the love of Twitter, there seemed to be a lot of confusion as to why Twitter puts the “full” in useful and wonderful. Since I, myself, didn’t discover that until I actively started using Twitter – the only way to show you is to let you see what I see.

In this weekly Overheard on Twitter, you will get to see why Twitter is such an indispensable resource for the real promotion pros. And since the early bird gets the worm, this one is extra chock full o’ nuts. Enjoy!

Twitter Polling


DazzlinDonna @nowsourcing: nay, unless every post is top-quality, and that’s rare. i prefer to pick and choose what i tweet – only the best.
remarkablogger @nowsourcing Big Nay. If I want spam, I’ll use Pownce.
JohnAtkinson @nowsourcing Some think its best to create a separate Twitter account & send your blog posts to it (so people can choose)
martinbowling @nowsourcing i as a person who reads more than publishes (need to change this) really enjoys having twitterfeed announce new posts
martinbowling @nowsourcing how ever there is a point where this can be spammy; but no one that I follow has really gotten tot hat point yet.
simplyneecy @nowsourcing Nay. 🙂 I’d rather the blogger occasionally share new posts . Automatic updates for each post would probably be too much.
seowoman @nowsourcing I don’t mind the occasional blog update, but I prefer to use Twitter for actual conversation.
graywolf @nowsourcing it’s fine as long as you add value in other ways. just tweeting blog updates is lame and redundant
scottclark @nowsourcing I just started using a Twitter Feedflare on Feedburner – but no biggie since I don’t post all that often.

Conclusion: Self-promotion is definitely more than welcome, just don’t degrade the quality of Twitter by making it into an RSS aggregator. Human hand-picking is the real promotion pro’s answer to information overload – and Twitter is where the best of it happens!

Twitter is Better

Summaries of our entire industry in 140 characters or less! @lyndoman:

See what I mean? @johnandrews:

With REAL monthly prizes, @funtrivia:

All Your SXSW Are Belong to Twitter


See? @eMom gets it! Of course, you don’t have to miss any of the SXSW greatness not live-micro-blogged by the tweeple you follow. Twemes.com has an aggregator for the SXSW tweets, or you can always resort to Twitter search engines like Terraminds or Tweetscan.

But these services sometimes break – case in point, as I write this, terraminds is not responding. Poo. Good thing I can still get updated in Twitter!

But Wait, There’s More!

I know you have found some awesome stuff on Twitter too. Tell me about your story and I’ll feature you in next week’s Overheard on Twitter 😀 (just make sure you at least link your Twitter and any particular tweets you’re talking about).

Feel free to leave your Twi-tale in the comments, or direct message on Twitter @mayobrains or @nowsourcing.


  1. Wendy Piersall

    LMAO! I saw Maki’s tweet at the top and thought to myself, yeah, that would be COOL to have someone blog my Tweet – and then get to the bottom of the page only to find myself there!

    That made my day! 😀

  2. Dan Perry

    Thanks for the @funtrivia plug!