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What Do the “Best Places to Work” Have in Common?

What Do the “Best Places to Work” Have in Common?

In the workplace, people frequently toss around buzzwords such as “company culture” and “employee engagement.” But what actually makes a highly ranked “Best Place to Work” worthy of the title?

Your people are clearly important, since no business can function very well without them, even in the age of automation. So it comes as no surprise that the “best places to work” understand this better than most. They clearly practice what they preach by implementing effective policies and procedures that enable employees to shine in their career while enjoying a healthy work-life balance. 

Let’s look at an example: As one of the top three workplaces in the Oregonian’s ranking for the second year in a row, Delphian School excels at keeping students motivated — and keeping their teaching team at the top of their game as well. One teacher wrote, “I’m constantly encouraged to grow and be a better teacher, a more responsible person, and better educated.”

How can your business rank as a best place to work? Here’s what to do to become the cream of the crop:

  •     Put people first. Although it sounds pretty basic, your employees are your best asset. Treat them as such. This means having high hiring standards, onboarding new people thoroughly, and helping them grow and develop. 
  •     Show your appreciation. A training course is a good start, and the best places to work offer training and career development as a given, actively encouraging their people to advance. But beyond this, great companies also solicit and listen carefully to their employees’ feedback, aim to implement suggestions for change, and regularly demonstrate their appreciation for a job well done. Asking for and acting on employee feedback boosts retention and keeps motivation high.
  •     Be a purpose-driven workplace. According to a New York Times survey, employees are three times more likely to stay with an organization if they’re able to derive meaning from their work. Everyone wants to feel that they’re contributing to something worthwhile. When you lead with mission and vision, your staff has a common understanding of who they are, and what they are striving to create.
  •     Implement core values. In tandem with purpose, know your core values. What does your business stand for? Many businesses are known for such core values as innovation, integrity, diversity and community. When an employee knows and is aligned with the key elements that comprise your modus operandi, they’ll be more motivated to go the distance in achieving them.
  •     Offer flexibility. Since the pandemic, remote work has become much more the norm than the exception. When you allow your people the freedom of a flexible schedule, whether hybrid or fully remote, they appreciate that the company trusts them to get the work done without micromanagement.
  •     Celebrate your team. Even if community isn’t one of your company’s core values, bringing the team together to celebrate wins and acknowledge challenges helps everyone feel closer to the company, and to one another. These are not “team-building” events, but social occasions that create connection. Some companies even take their people to events such as comedy clubs or ball games. Far from being a waste of time and expense, such gatherings will facilitate a commitment to your company as a best place to work.
  •     Help people pursue their passion. This might sound illogical in the workplace — shouldn’t employees be pursuing their passions in their off-hours? Not according to the best places to work, which report that one of the greatest rewards a company can bestow is helping employees discover their calling. It may mean shifting the employee to a different department, restructuring their position, or perhaps even creating a new role. What it means for certain is that you will have a person who feels happy to be at work, is increasingly productive, and feels lucky to be working at a company that cares.

What these seven “best places to work” traits demonstrate is that people are the cornerstone of a company’s success. Hire well, train your team extensively, recognize their contributions and commit to their growth, and your organization will be among the best places to work, too.