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5 Tips for Creating a Visual Marketing Campaign About Lawyers

5 Tips for Creating a Visual Marketing Campaign About Lawyers

As our societal preferences shift from reading traditional text to watching visual campaigns, lawyers, among many other businesses, will need to change their marketing efforts. Visual marketing, in its most basic form, is using visual aids to share your marketing messages. These aids can include videos, infographics, and so much more. To help your law firm make the switch, we’re going to share five of our best tips with you.

1- Remember Emotions Matter

One of the biggest advantages of using visual advertising over traditional text is that it allows you to easily evoke emotions in your target market. Once you’ve decided on the service that you’re going to be focusing your campaign on, such as divorces, you want to think about what emotions you want to evoke from viewers and when. For example, your visual campaign may start out evoking fear, such as how a divorce can affect finances, children, and so forth. Then, opt for evoking feelings of comfort when they enlist the help of your law firm.

2- Know Your Target Market

While it would be great if everyone enlisted your services, that’s not likely to happen. Instead, you need to narrow down your efforts and focus on a specific target market. In the case of divorce, your target market may be men and women in their 40s and 50s going through a divorce. The type of campaign that you run to attract this target market is going to vary tremendously from a campaign to attract divorcees in their early 20s.

3- Evergreen vs. Limited

Visual campaigns can take a lot of time and effort to complete. You may want to create an evergreen campaign that can be run over and over, regardless of the time or day. In other cases, you may want to launch a limited promotional service. For example, offer a discount for those who call you before the end of the month. This is considered a limited campaign, meaning it can only be used for a short time.

4- Decide on Your Main Trait

One of the best ways to help stay in the minds of viewers is to offer up a singular trait about your law firm that makes it unique from others out there. It could be that you have a super-friendly staff that will spend time listening. Your firm could showcase its success rate. You could position yourself as the go-to firm for divorces. There are a lot of options. While you likely want to show off your firm’s many great traits, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience. Keep it simple and choose only one to really hammer home.

5- Opt for Various Visual Marketing Outlets

When you think about visual campaigns, your mind may immediately jump to television commercials. While these TV ads are definitely a form of visual marketing, they’re not the only form. You can opt for YouTube marketing, how-to videos, social media infographics, billboards, and so forth. You shouldn’t limit your law firm to advertising on one platform, as you’ll greatly limit your ability to attract your target market.