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7 Marketing Ideas to Attract Clients to Your Law Firm

7 Marketing Ideas to Attract Clients to Your Law Firm

If you need to attract new clients to your law firm, then you already know the importance of marketing. While things like having a user-friendly website and using pay-per-click advertising incorporating the right keywords are essential, there may need to be more. Consider these marketing tactics to attract clients to your law practice. 

1. Host Community Events 

Whether a 5k run or a baseball team, sponsoring a community event can positively introduce your law firm to those needing your services. The chances are strong that you already have staff members who would enjoy working on these projects. Put out physical and digital flyers to promote the event, prominently displaying your legal firm’s logo.

2. Be a Media Expert

Offer your services as a media expert whenever the news discusses a topic within your expertise. Even a one –or two-sentence mention in an article may bring new customers your way. In addition, feed your favorite reporters with news stories that you think would make good stories for news broadcasts.  

3. Offer Free or Low-Cost Related Services 

Many people need clarification about where to get particular forms or information. Load your website with the information that they may seek. For example, if you are a personal injury lawyer, show people how to get accident reports or do it for them. When you do something for free or at a reduced cost at the beginning of a process, they are more likely to continue to use your services.  

4. Become a Well-Known Speaker 

Many organizations in your community regularly need help finding speakers for their meetings. Find topics that you think will interest their membership and offer to speak to their group about them. Alternatively, consider offering free or low-cost webinars online about topics that are interesting to the public.  

5. Host Artwork 

If you have extra space in your office, consider hosting artwork displays. Promoting others in your community often means they will tell their friends and family about how their work is displayed at your office. Write press releases about your work with different artists and release them to the media.  

6. Get Interactive on Social Media 

When Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others see people engaging with your firm’s content, your algorithm is boosted more than your competitors. Therefore, host polls, question-and-answer sections, and other content to encourage people to engage with your page. Creating content, like infographics, that others will want to share with their viewers can also introduce your firm to new people.

7. Create Referral and Loyalty Programs 

Depending on your focus within the law field, consider creating referral and loyalty programs to get people to use your firm each time they have a need or to refer their friends. For example, you could offer a free closing for a real estate agent for every 10 clients they refer to your firm.  

There are many ways to market your law firm. Sometimes, it requires thinking outside the box but never ignore the basics, like having an easy-to-navigate website and hours that are accessible to your target audience.