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5 Marketing Tactics That Will Help Target People Buying Car Oil

5 Marketing Tactics That Will Help Target People Buying Car Oil

Motorists are among the most difficult people to market to since they represent such a huge group of people. Millions of people have a driver’s license around the world, which means individual companies have a lot to do when it comes time to figure out exactly who their preferred demographic is. By using these five creative tricks, you’ll be in a much better position to target your audience and actually convert your leads into sales.

1. Focus on Safety

Motorists have dealt with a number of news stories in recent years about oil change-related problems, so they’re understandably a little more cautious when buying new products these days. Companies that actually have hard data that shows their products are designed with a focus on safety could potentially do better than the average market in this respect. This is especially true of those who already have at least some information floating around in the form of an awareness campaign. Customers who are actively looking for a new kind of oil or treatment might have seen your brand before and want to learn more.

2. Promote Your Type of Oil

High-quality synthetic oil-based lubricants are far different from traditional ones, which means that they’ve been able to develop a healthy following not usually seen in the automotive industry. Serious drivers tend to be rather insular shoppers who want to be certain they’re getting the right kind of material for their particular automobile. Reach out on social media and in blogs to send the message that your organization cares about these distinctions and is ready to connect with customers who have to be especially careful with their automobiles.

3. Establish Yourself As An Expert

Quite a few motorists have little interest in learning how their cars work, but there’s also a sizable percentage who are enthralled by every bit of automotive-related minutiae they can find. This stark difference can make it hard to find an audience to reach. Positioning yourself as an automotive expert who can explain oil change procedures is the best way to reach these two groups at the same time.

4. Leverage New Media Opportunities

Few automotive oil companies have ever thought to get themselves on a podcast or someone’s social video show, but there’s never been a better time to do so. Some of the short-form video sites are actually allowing users to post longer episodes now, so you can get more mileage out of your content without having to put much extra work into the marketing process.

5. Explore Traditional Media

At the same time, you won’t want to forget that local radio and television shows are often actively looking for guests. Check to see if there’s either a public outlet or a small station in your area that covers automotive issues. If there is, then finding contact information shouldn’t be difficult. These tend to get shared online anyway, so you could easily double your exposure with just a single appearance.

If you are in the auto industry and needing to target people buying car oil, use the above 5 tactics to reach your target audience.