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6 Marketing Strategies That Every Law Practice Should Try

6 Marketing Strategies That Every Law Practice Should Try

A law practice shouldn’t skimp on its marketing practices. Marketing is how they can gain more attention, attract new clients, and keep strong relationships with existing ones. A law firm’s success rate plays a large impact on if people will choose that law firm, but people have to find the law firm first which is why marketing matters. Here are 6 marketing strategies that every law practice should try.

1.) Create a Strong Social Media Presence

Technology is changing the way people consume news and information. The vast majority of people, a whopping 86% according to Pew Research, consume their news and information from their smartphones. That’s a huge chunk of the population your law firm can reach by having an active presence online, sharing relevant news, posting client success stories, and being the place for people to come for law-related advice. Use social media to post stories that humanize lawyers and offer advice in a relatable way.

2.) Build an Email List

In marketing, you’re only as strong as your email list. Having an email list is something that a law firm can easily utilize. It’s a way to connect with former connections and forge relationships with existing clients. It’s a way to keep your law firm top of mind. Use your media list to send out relevant law-related updates, blurbs about people in your firm, and other reminders on what kind of services your practice offers.

3.) Place an Emphasis on Media Relations

A law practice should seek out relationships with members of the media. This is a chance to become “expert sound” and offer interviews on relevant topics. It’s a way to be seen and remain relevant. Organic media coverage is powerful, and offering yourself as a sound source on a particular topic you have knowledge of is a great way to stay relevant. Have a strong brand message that you’re ready to share as one of your main talking points.

4.) Have a Forward-Facing Presence

Talk to the members of your law firm and see who is comfortable with being the “face” of the practice. This is a great way to really connect with people and build relationships that last. People trust humans and trust seeing a human more than just words on a screen. This helps your firm become relatable.

5.) Host Events in the Public Sphere

One way to stay top-of-mind for people is by always having a presence in the community. A law firm can host community events, sponsor events, or even just do different giveaways or other fun things that involve their client base. Your practice can keep a consistent client base and become known as a pillar of advice and trust, just by having a known presence in the community.

6.) Know Your SEO

There are roughly billions of searches completed daily on Google. There is a good chance those searches are being done in your city, in your state, and by your target demographic. By utilizing SEO tools, you can increase the likelihood that your brand will be seen when and where it matters online.