by Brian Wallace | Nov 4, 2010 | Social Media
As we’ve been going in depth with infographics lately, this challenge from Paul Anderson of SoTech is very timely. His team has created an infographic portraying how social media/technology connects in the business world, and now they want our feedback. Lend the... by Brian Wallace | Oct 27, 2010 | Social Media
I’m a big fan of propaganda. Ok, perhaps that didn’t come out right. I’m highly interested in the emotions invoked from strong imagery that propaganda brings, especially WWII vintage posters. That’s probably what gravitated me to this series of... by Brian Wallace | Oct 5, 2010 | Social Media
Update: we now offer social media infographics to the public. (credit) I’m really fond of infographics. They are a really great way to get a large amount of information in your head – and keep it there. Ever since the 10 Outstanding Social Media...