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Facebook Wall Of Shame (Infographic)

Facebook Wall Of Shame (Infographic)

Our new infographic for Google Adwords tool provider, WordStream explores Facebook fails. We know the impressive social network can’t get everything right every time, but we aren’t going to let it slide. You may remember in the beginning, when people...

Why Google+ May Not Overtake Facebook

In a press conference this morning Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, was asked what he thought of the possibly revolutionary launching of Google+. Zuckerberg admitted that he had used it very little but that he believed it was part of the social networking...

The State of Facebook

Credit Facebook being in the news isn’t necessarily anything surprising.  Every time the social media giant rolls out a new product, feature, or statistic, the world’s news sites make sure you know about it within minutes.  But there have been two recent Facebook...