by Brian Wallace | Jul 28, 2011 | Facebook
Credit I have been using the new Google + (G+) for the last two weeks or so and while I enjoy it, it still has not taken the place of my true social network, Facebook. Granted, G+ is still in the works and I have not fully taken advantage of all the features – I...
by Brian Wallace | Jul 25, 2011 | Social Media
Credit By now you have probably heard the tragic news that British pop star Amy Winehouse has passed away. She was found in her London home on Saturday afternoon by one of her security guards, and before long the social world exploded with tweets, updates, and posts... by Brian Wallace | Jul 7, 2011 | Facebook
In a press conference this morning Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, was asked what he thought of the possibly revolutionary launching of Google+. Zuckerberg admitted that he had used it very little but that he believed it was part of the social networking...