by Brian Wallace | Jan 16, 2013 | Facebook, Featured
Let this be a lesson to all parents who think they can get out of parental obligations by using Facebook as an excuse. If you have cute looking kids and a desire for a puppy, don’t tell them to get one million likes on Facebook first. Because it will most...
by Brian Wallace | Jan 6, 2013 | Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter
One feature of social media, which has steadily been gaining traction lately, is the concept of “lists”. Facebook has them, and so does Twitter. The latest social media site to begin lists is Stumbleupon, and it is changing the way I look at the site, and...
by Brian Wallace | Dec 30, 2012 | Facebook
Facebook has always been in a position where it has been constantly criticised for its lack of privacy amongst users. Whether it’s changing something without notifying the users (which then reveals private information), or not giving enough information to give...