by Brian Wallace | Oct 27, 2013 | Facebook, Google, StumbleUpon
Let’s step into the realm of the hypothetical offline world for a moment and pretend that you are in the market for a used car. Now we know how tricky that can be. A million things can go wrong – the salesman can be dishonest and not tell you about the...
by Brian Wallace | Jan 6, 2013 | Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter
One feature of social media, which has steadily been gaining traction lately, is the concept of “lists”. Facebook has them, and so does Twitter. The latest social media site to begin lists is Stumbleupon, and it is changing the way I look at the site, and... by Brian Wallace | Mar 25, 2010 | StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon has been a busy bee. We certainly hoped to see some great new changes from the SU crowd after it was bought back by the initial founders after being sold to eBay, and they are doing nothing short of doing their best to impress! (Credit) Not everyone...