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Week #8 Meeting My Neighbor?

It’s been a couple of weeks, so it’s time for a #10in10 update.  And a bit different of an update this time.  If you’ve been following my whereabouts lately or are in the area, you’d know that Louisville has been hit with a powerful ice storm...

Wrapping up 10in10 at Louisville Geek Dinner

We have 3 to go in the 10in10 series, and I thought that it would be fun to meet the final 3 all at once, at one of the more popular meetups in Louisville – none other than the Louisvlle Geek Dinner. This will be our second dinner we’ll be in attendance...

Week 7 – Louisville Soup

It’s really a lot of fun meeting someone for the first time in person after only speaking with them online.  Such was the case in meeting Mike Campbell aka Louisvillesoup on Twitter. We had a chance to meet over coffee at one of my more favorite places in town. ...