502-442-7914 howdy@nowsourcing.com

Combating Click Fraud – Putting the Engines to Work

Click fraud is a way of life for the search engine marketer, but its impact can be minimized at the expense of the search engines. Here are some helpful tools to submit claims to the various click quality departments. It can be time consuming, but every dollar you get...

ROI Is a Number, Not “Awesome”

You probably get them as much as I do: those sales calls from people who can “guarantee top positioning in Google and other search engines”.  Little do they know that when they call me, they’re talking to someone who doesn’t mind showing them...

Picking the Low Hanging Fruit

Image via Wikipedia When discussing PPC performance, people love to refer to the low hanging fruit.  You know, that’s the stuff that’s easy to accomplish with little effort that yields great results.  This typically refers to getting more conversions for...